Academic knowledge transfer
Scientific collaboration
- Since 2019: Membership and advisory work in the Future Circle of the BMBF
- Since 2017: Research associate (part-time). Research: “Institutional learning and conditions of transformation of social systems” (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Faculty of Law)
- 2015-2016: Research Associate (quarter position). Research: “Institutional learning and conditions of transformation of social systems” (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Faculty of Law)
2010: Research Associate. Research: “Subsidiary conflict transformation in Afghanistan” (Berghof Conflict Research, Berlin)
- Since 2018: Member of the European School of Governance
- Since 2013: Member of the Ethical-Ecological Rating Research Group, Frankfurt a.M.
- Since 2005: Member of the Centre for Conflict Research, Marburg
Teaching experience
- Since 2018: “Organisational Psychology” in the Bachelor’s programme “Public and Nonprofit Management” (University of Economics and Law (HWR), Berlin)
- Since 2018: “De-escalation and Conversation Management” in the Bachelor’s degree programme “Social Work” (FH Carinthia)
- Since 2017: “Key qualification communication competences – Practical application of communication psychology to conversation and presentation” (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Faculty of Law)
- Since 2017: “Interultural Leadership Techniques Module 3: Conflict Management” for different Bachelor’s degree programmes (HMKW, Berlin)
- 2017-2018: “Techniques of Communication I (Communication Techniques), II (Conversation Management), III (Team and Conflict Management)” as well as “Resilience/Stress Management” in the Bachelor’s programme “Business Administration” (Hochschule Merseburg)
- 2017: Development and teaching of the seminar “Professional Fields and Business Models in Life Coaching” in the Bachelor’s degree programme “Life Coaching” (DHGS, Berlin)
- Since 2016: “Understanding and Promoting Resilience / Crisis Capacity” in the Master’s programme Industrial Management (Aalen University, Aalen)
- Since 2016: “Communication and Interaction – Theory and Practice” in the Bachelor’s programme “Social Work” (HAWK, Hildesheim)
- Since 2016: “International Change Management” and “Strategic Competence Management” in the Master’s programme “International Business Administration” as well as “Intercultural Communication”, “Business Mediation” and “Team & Mediation” in the Bachelor’s programme “International Business Administration” (BiTS Hochschule Berlin, Berlin)
- 2016: “Team Management & Mediation” in the Bachelor’s degree programme “International Business Administration” (EBC Hochschule Berlin, Berlin)
- Since 2015: “Self Management” and “Moderation & Conflict Management” in the Bachelor’s degree programme “International Hotel Management” (SRH Hochschule, Campus Dresden)
- Since 2014: “Interfunctional Conflict Management in Supply Chains” in the Master’s programme “Strategic Management in Logistics” (bbw Hochschule, Berlin)
- 2013: “Multidisciplinarity and Multiperspectivity” in the Master’s programme “Public Policy” (Humboldt-Viadrina, Berlin)
- 2013: “Negotiating Across Borders and Conflict Resolution” in the Master’s programme “International Business Management” (MCI, Innsbruck)

Awarded with the Teaching Prize – Prize for the best teaching at the Dresden Campus winter semester 2015/2016